Chicago at Night


Hey, I'm WF4123 (Real name: Denis Sirghie). - game modder, graphic designer, professional gamer and content creator, since 2018.
It was the time that I go to the internet on big brother's Windows 7/Vista PC when I was little in 2011, I get to see some videos on YouTube like Windows,
Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft, Techs, Gaming and more. That was my childhood memories of each years (2011-2013).
My favorite things about my memories is not getting irrelevant. More likely Gen Alpha is still getting more irrelevant than what I was born in Gen Z.
My favorite game genres are racing, shooter, and fighting. I grew back grinding my skill on my keyboard, mouse and controller to try how best I can on each game, each year has passed.
No matter how hard can I play the game with highest difficulty no choice but forgetting the wrong move, it's my destiny I made for.
I'm also good at maths, trying to concetrate on numbers and such. My accuracy is getting better, but has minor mistakes, so I'll try my best to not fail.
Where do I live? I was born in Romania, the biggest country in Balkans, Eastern Europe. Yet, this country is poor, wherever we can do this in home, like my father, my big brother or my friends.
It was about time in 2023 and further, I was a beginner, amateur or veteran in 3D modeling, graphic design, art, sound editing, and video editing, I'm using Blender, Audacity, VEGAS Pro, Gimp and for purposes.
And that's all about.

Feel free to use my web button on your site.

House real big, Cars real big.